How bizarre!

The strange and not-so-strange happenings in the life of me

Friday, October 21, 2005

Instant Garden!

Remember how I was saying that our garden is full of debris and rubbish? No longer! Didn't end up going for yoga on Wednesday after all. Went home to change and saw mother-in-law (MIL) there spreading bags of soil all over the once decrepit lot and pots of pretty plants (there must have been at least 20 varieties) lined up in the porch. How could I have the heart to leave after seeing her toiling there like that? And all for our sake!! So I stayed and helped her on my biggest gardening project to date, squatting and getting dirt all over ourselves but shielded from the rain under the polycarbonate roof.

We were at it for 3 hours and after that, this was the result:

I must admit, when we started planning to put them in the small 3' x 10' plot, I thought it would end up looking too haphazard what with so many varieties. But the end result blew me away! Ah Yee (MIL) scattered some of the wild ferns in between the other plants and with the pebbles, it ended up looking very un-landscaped.... WILD is the word! Couldn't have done it without her.

When hubby returned, he asked if we had a nice garden yet so I asked him to go see for himself. He then mentioned that we need to let it grow before it starts looking nice. When he took a peek, he was lost for words. Finally when he came to, this was what he said: "Damn! This is the only thing that we can't claim credit for!".

Well said, my love...



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