How bizarre!

The strange and not-so-strange happenings in the life of me

Monday, July 23, 2007

Amenorrhoea no more

Yup, the monthly inconvenience has begun again...

After not having my period for 17 months, save for the lochia discharge after delivery, my ovaries have been kickstarted into action again. By what, I don't exactly know but my guess is the reduction of night feeds as Nat is sleeping through the night more and more (although not everyday).

This is not fun I tell you...



  • At 11:41 AM, Blogger eileen said…

    You have my sympathy... I am not looking forward to mine :-)

  • At 3:18 PM, Blogger Snoopyjazz said…

    Hey I got mine by the 4th month! The few days leading up to the day, my milk supply dipped... But now am used to it already. Evan also didn't reject me milk...still happily drinking : )

  • At 4:39 AM, Blogger 3Fireflies said… actually had a 17 month break??? Wow!

  • At 5:21 PM, Blogger melliebaby said…

    Eileen, thanks for the sympathy.

    Jess, yes, I think it also affected my supply somewhat initially.

    SY, yup ... 17 months... went to Guardian to get some supplies the other day and the lady asked me if I was buying for a year as I took so much.


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