How bizarre!

The strange and not-so-strange happenings in the life of me

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Family room

From the time Hubby and I started a family, we've always slept together as one. Initially it was more out of necessity than by choice.

Our first house was too small and the last 2 houses and current one were all temporary abodes so we saw no point in putting them into their own room only to have them move back in with us later - not that there was enough room anyway.

If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a single thing. Sure, we have less privacy, and hence, less opportunity for intimacy. Our kids are still unable to go to bed on their own till now as they're so used to having us in the room with them.

But if not for the family room, we would never know that Nat still sucks her thumb occasionally in her sleep (a habit she broke when she was 4) and be there to pull it out of her mouth. Or that she throws a feisty fit in her nightmares which happen most often when she's had a fun-filled day. Neither would we be privy to the vocabulary recitals of Adam first thing in the morning when he started learning to talk nor the songs he would sometimes sing to sleep.

Sleeping in the same room also enables us to bond more with the kids. I remember when we moved Nat out of her cot into a mattress on the floor beside our bed, she would always ask to sleep on our bed for a while before we rolled her off the edge and onto her own. Sometimes, her Papa would allow her to fall asleep on his chest.

Now, Adam does the same with me, aligning his body directly atop mine falling sleep to the sound of my heartbeat. As endearing as it is (and as much as I love holding his little body and kissing his downy head), I try to discourage him by turning to the side to allow him to roll off but he would just cling on tight like a leech. This sort of response just makes me long for them to stay babies forever.

Soon enough, the day will come when they'll move out of our room and hopefully, there won't be separation anxiety (and by that, I mean for Hubby and I), but for now we'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Two years and a terror!

My dear son,
it's high time that Mama writes a blog entry about you. You were born on 6 Nov 2009 so let's see, that makes you... WHAT??!!! 2 years and 3 months old?!! And I've only blogged a handful of times since you were born, of which only half featured you. You poor deprived boy! No wonder your Seh Chim, being the 3rd child in her family, told me time and time again to try my best to give subsequent children the same treatment as my firstborn.

You crawled with only your left knee on the ground

I must say, both you and your Chee Chee have kept me really busy for the past 2 years. It didn't help that we had no internet access at home either and blogging from the mobile was just annoying. Not that it would have made a difference if we had broadband. After we moved in with Ah Kong and Nai Nai in April 2010, time seemed to evaporate the moment I came home from work.

2 fuzzy caterpillars

To start with it was an old house with limited storage space and many inefficiencies. There were more people to interact with, chores to do including shopping for the whole household, and to the best of my ability, since Kakak Su was busier, I was the one who would clean, feed and put both of you to bed, leaving very little time for myself. However, it was a happy time for the whole family and you were very very loved.

How have you changed since June 2010? Let me see...

You have definitely grown thinner, losing lots of weight when you started walking at 11 months and falling ill with throat infections, colds and coughs quite a bit in your 2nd year. To say you are picky with food is an understatement. The only thing you consistently ate were egg tarts, kuey teow and chocolate! Now that your chubbiness has made way for leanness, you no longer look like a baby but a boy. Thankfully, despite all of this, you're not all skin and bones but instead have quite a solid physique.

If only you showed this much enthusiasm in eating all your meals

About a year ago, a mole developed on your left cheek. It started out as a tiny speck and I kept trying to scrub it off, thinking it was dirt. It has since grown and lends you a certain "hiau" look but I hope it will stay that way, lest it enlarges to the extent of making you look like a "ham sap lou" (amorous bugger) and God forbid, sprouts hair!

Utter delight at indoor playgym

As to which parent you resemble, it's definitely your Papa. I don't mean only in the looks department. Everyone sees his cheekiness in you and there's no escaping that you're his son. Your dimpled smile projects innocence belying the mischief dancing in your eyes. That's the one thing I find irresistible about you.

Physically, you're very agile with fine hand-eye coordination. You only need to see something being done once before you're able to imitate it. You love dancing and move freely to music. We can only guess where you picked up the fancy footwork reminiscent of hip-hop dancers.

No longer a baby but a boy

As with most boys, your speech development is slower and even I struggle to understand what you're saying at times. And yet, the moment you utter the word Mama, I melt.

Your love for cars knows no bounds, to the delight of your Ah Kong. Even before you turned 2 years of age, you could recognise the cars of your family members and knew what they were called. You have a garage of vehicles that would make any car salesman proud, all of which were gifts from your grandparents.

We were always amazed when you rode your push car around the house, gaining momentum as you went along and finished with a side skid, looking up proudly with a gleam in your eye. Your latest trick is drifting around the house on your tricycle. We have absolutely no clue where you picked up drifting. Surely it's not an ability one is born with.

Mother & son pair of smurfs

Innocence personified ...

... or one of his many personas?

You started school January this year. Early, I know, but Papa and I felt that your potential for learning at this age is tremendous and already we are seeing the results. Plus we love the school and didn't want you to miss out on all the fun you could have there. You breezed through the first week, showed some resistance in the second but have now grown to accept the daily commute to school, knowing you have little choice. This is not to say you dislike school but perhaps that you would rather be at home in the company of your cars especially after a whole night of not playing with them.

First day at school - after dismissal

There will be many many more things to tell you and I hope I will continue to do so in the months and years to come. But even if I don't say so on my blog, know that Mama and Papa love you and your sister more than you will ever imagine.