How bizarre!

The strange and not-so-strange happenings in the life of me

Friday, November 30, 2007

Through the barricades

Hubby and I thought we didn't have to worry about putting up a safety gate since the house isn't all that big and Su's there all day to watch over Nat. But it turns out, she's too fond of going all the way up to get to chest of drawers where her clothes are kept and pulling everything out of them! Again, her sneakiness factor ranks high as she'll only climb up when Su's not watching 'cos she thinks she's napping or something.

We decided we couldn't take any chances and so I got the First Few Years hands-free safety gate which was on sale at Robinsons. Had to get 2 extra extensions too! In case you're wondering, no, it's not an optical illusion. Had to slant it a bit otherwise whoever comes down the stairs would not be able to step on the pedal to release the catch.

"Eh, what's this? Oh, just a door. Never mind, I'll get it open in no time."

"Papa, what's wrong with this door? I've been pushing and pulling but the latch doesn't work!"

"Fine! Ignore me... I'll just slip myself in between the bars..."

"Help! I'm not as slim as I thought I was..."


My daughter, the pole dancer

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Wheels no more

As of yesterday morning, I have been officially without car.
Yup, my beloved gold CR-V has been sold. *Sob*!
Good thing is, it's been sold to a family I know will take good care of it. And even better is that I can see it anytime I want coz it now belongs to my sister's boyfriend's mum (who purportedly washes her car every night)!

It has served me well for the past 7.5 years and was indeed a reliable car. Hardly gave me any problems. I loved it so.... Wouldn't even think of selling it if not for the fact that we need an upgrade to accommodate an expanding family.

Happy times

Preggers in Cameron Highlands

Don't know when my new set of wheels will arrive but chances are, it'll be a good 3 more months before I'll have another car to call my own. Hubby is more excited than I am at the moment and keeps talking about it. Watch this space!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

This used to be my playground

Put Nat on the slide for the first time a couple of weeks back and she was not very impressed with it at the start. The sticky girl actually managed to hold a pose like this right in the middle of the slide.

See how she hangs on for dear life when her dad lets her go in this video....

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Friday, November 02, 2007

Sneaky things...

Babies are a clever lot, smarter than most adults give them credit for, and very powerful indeed.

They are capable of reducing their grown-up mothers to tears the moment we set eyes on them. They also have the uncanny ability to really grow on you the longer you get acquainted with them. Mine is no different.

Before this, I never would have thought I would allow my child to sneak into our conjugal bed on a nightly basis. Unlike many breastfeeding mums, I wasn't fond of nursing lying down. I couldn't seem to get comfortable hence I would feed Nat sitting up and then promptly put her back into her cot. Hubby also wasn't into the idea of co-sleeping as he often tosses around heavily and was worried he would land on Nat and reduce her to a pile of mush without realising.

Since her bout of illness however, Nat seems to have wormed her way into our bed and I didn't even see it coming. This has now become a habit with her starting to wail at around 2-3am followed by me, way too tired to carry or pat her back to sleep, picking her up and plopping her in the middle of our bed. She will then scream for about 5 seconds before finding her right thumb to suck and stroke my face with her left hand till she falls contentedly back to sleep between her 2 biggest fans. Only after her night-time feed will I put her back into her crib.

Now that she's bigger, I actually enjoy having her next to me where I can just turn and give her kisses and cuddles as I like. So you see... not only can they get you to do things without you realising it, they can even make you like doing it! Clever or not???

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Moo-Moo Cow

Nat in her Moo-Moo Cow outfit (comes with cute little panties in the same black-and-white print), courtesy of her Por Por. It's rare that one finds clothes for baby girls in black and white but I thought this one was really cute. After almost a year of being her dairy cow, I now have my own little Friesian calf.

Frowning calf, wondering why we're taking her away from this farm

"I love car rides"

