How bizarre!

The strange and not-so-strange happenings in the life of me

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy Wednesday, Mama!

These were waiting for me when I returned home from mass on the morning of Sunday 12 May 2013. Bless my kids! 

Skinny fella on the left is actually Papa. And he's exercising. Hmm... could she be hinting at something? I asked her who the littlest kid at the bottom was and she said it's a little boy who is her "secret friend". ???

Adam's into drawing a lot more these days and many a time, his main subject is a spider with many many legs. Am not sure if it's trying to say "I love you" or "I owe you". Hahaha! And the little thing dangling from one of its legs is a car. What else!

As for the title, that's what he wished me on Mother's Day. Happy Wednesday too, baby!

The functional creativity of a 3.5 year old

A fully functional gift from Adam to me. I thanked him and put it away but when I proceeded to hang a regular hand towel on the hook, he insisted I use the one he made out of an old nappy and his sister's claw hair fastener.

Never suspected he had it in him to make something totally usable at his age. Such consideration too!
Goes to show we should never underestimate our little ones.

Proud of you, my dear son!